hey!! Taiwan!

i arrive Taiwan yesterday!! is really suffer man! cos i have to sit 4 hours and 40 mins only can arrive Taiwan! hey! Taiwan! i'm cuming!! haha...after we went off the airport!! my dad called his fren o pick we all go hotel.after 5 mins..we saw a green colour van! tat is dad'fren!! Hurray!! finally he came!! (i dont know what he call)so i just call him uncle!! the uncle came and fetch us to the 'Simply Life' hotel..tat really simpl ya..damn small but luckily!! their toilet are clean  !! others..i think still okla..but the weird thing is..i go Taiwan.but i improve my bm..hehe..cos i can comment everything when i feel not nice...bad,right?! but i'm bad girl..haha...whtever..have to go sleep now..so,tmr only continue my blog la...i try to write everyday~k?! Nites~~
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