sorry..havent tell u guys abt my teacher'day!!OMG! 1st time celebrate teacher'day at CBN!! it was damn cool! they will put some modern song when we in the hall...all the song i like it so much!! sumore..i and my dance froup! members got:ketua,Grace! start from 1st couple! tat is sue vei and leesan! sumore,stefanie kok and diao diao shang!(kee shang)! second couple! tat is pretty kei lee and vivian tan! tat is my best frens!! mention!! best frens! later,rebekah foong and qi-yan! untill third couple!! confrim is me and ya tian! a very pervented girls! nvrmind! i like it! cos i also!! haha.. still got two girls tat is very pro de..Jiang!Jiang!Jiang!! Grace and a girl who very man! Tong! full name! Tong Tian Qian! and the point is!! when we dance!! so many ppl was shouting!! i feel so bangga untill now..hehe...thank you tat ti shin fame got shout 4 me!! and..sum ppl suddenly bcome kind to me..i feel terkejut!! this type of ppl! sucks!! 1st celebrate my teacher'day at CBN! it was WONDERFUL! tat all tat i can say!! CBN rocks!! hehe..p/s..i know got sum ppl feel tat cbn is sucks..cos all girls!! but i still feel CBN rocks!! although dont have boys...hehe..